Peruvian woman miraculously healed by God, treks mountains proclaiming the Gospel



By Mark Ellis

Sister Luz with digital audio player
Sister Luz with digital audio player

Sister Luz’s husband died when she was 35, which left her to raise four children by herself.  When a prolonged and serious illness brought her to death’s doorstep, Jesus – the Master Surgeon – touched her life and changed her forever.

At age 50, after dealing with sickness for several years, Sister Luz’s children insisted she get medical help, so she went to doctors in three different cities, but there was nothing they could do for her.

Fearing the worst, she called her grown children to her bedside, said good-bye to them, and distributed her farmland between them. She asked if they would hold a mass for her.

After that, Sister Luz drifted in and out of consciousness for several weeks. At one point, she opened her eyes and saw Jorge, her oldest son, on his knees, crying out to God. He had told her before about finding a personal relationship with Jesus. He said he had been forgiven and had changed, but she didn’t understand what he was talking about.

He had always been a good son. Why did he need to change? she wondered.

She looked around, and realized Jorge wasn’t alone. There was a group of pastors with him and they were all praying.

Then something very unusual happened. “Someone got up from the middle of the brothers and came toward me,” she recalls. “I felt like the person operated on me and took a tumor out of my stomach.”

Was it a man? Was it an angel? Or was it the Lord? Whoever touched her, the result was immediate.

“Starting from that moment, I began recovering miraculously,” Sister Luz says.

Then she realized who brought this extraordinary change. “I understood that GOD HEALED ME! When I was conscious and could speak, I told my son what they had done for me when they were praying. He explained that it was God who healed me, and that the God who healed me is a living and powerful God. My son taught me the plan of salvation, and I received the Lord in my heart. Since that day, my life has never been the same.”

Sister Luz began to attend church, and tried to read the Bible to learn more about Jesus. But her eyesight had deteriorated to such an extent she had to put the Bible down.

“Lord, please have someone create a spoken Bible” became her daily prayer for years.

One day her pastor brought a digital audio player, known as the Proclaimer®, and set it down in front of the church. When he turned it on, Sister Luz began to cry.  “I was praying for this,” she said. “God answered my prayers!! Now we need to listen to it at all of our worship services and learn more about God.”

Sister Luz now organizes listening groups, assisted by Faith Comes By Hearing, a Christian ministry based in New Mexico. She says that her audio Bible is extremely helpful for those who are elderly or cannot read.

She also treks through the mountains to bring the Good News to surrounding villages – some miles away. The community calls her La Hermana Luz, or Sister of Light, because she carries the light of God’s Word to those living in darkness.

Her children tell her she shouldn’t take these long trips by herself—it can be dangerous—but she doesn’t listen. She has fallen several times and gotten hurt, but she says she spent the first 50 years of her life not knowing Jesus, and she is determined to spend the rest of her life helping others know Him.

“Even though there are storms, even though the thunder is mighty, even though earthquakes come, I will continue to preach because God is always with me,” she sings on her journeys.

She carries a digital audio player with her on her journeys, and because of her—and hearing God’s Word in their own language—entire families in distant communities have given their lives to the Lord. A man named Pablo was healed of epilepsy and now shares God’s Word with others, and a woman named Magdalena was healed and her family came to Christ.

Sister Luz says, “Faith Comes By Hearing motivated me to take the Word of God with greater confidence because it speaks. I only pray to the Lord, and He does His work.”

“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” (Isaiah 52:7).


  1. Thank you for taking time out of your life, to share ” The Good News, that our Heavenly Father, sent His son to earth, to die for us, that we may have Life Everlasting” .. For those who are seeking the truth, God’s word is so real. Take a moment to invite Him into your Heart this very day. Begin your day in prayer, that HE gives you the wisdom and direction each day ahead, in your New life. Amen

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