Top female porn star found Jesus


By Mark Ellis —

Brittni in 2010
Brittni in 2010

In 2010, Maxim Magazine named her one of the top female porn stars in the world. Little did they know, she was already on a rocky road to sanctification as a new creature in Christ.

Brittni, who used the professional name Jenna Presley, started dancing to earn extra money as a freshman at Santa Barbara City College in 2005. Two men approached her after one of her performances and asked if she would like to make “romance movies.”

“You mean porn?” she joked. They nodded affirmatively, but it was no joke.

“I didn’t know what to expect,” she admits now. “At 18, I was only a baby. I was looking for love in all the wrong places.”

Brittni was insecure as a result of her upbringing in a home with a “verbally abusive” mother and passive father. For the first time in her life, she began to receive positive affirmation, and it felt good. She traveled to L.A. and shot her first pornographic scene.

“I felt so loved that day because they did my hair and make-up. I was told I was beautiful and that I was going to be a star. In the first few months it felt good.”

Producers worked her relentlessly in the early phase of her career because of her youthful, fresh appearance. “I already looked like I was 12,” Brittni recalls. They dressed her in “little girl” clothing and pigtails, which made her uncomfortable.

The inescapable conclusion is that filmmakers wanted to appeal to the depraved fantasies of men with pedophile tendencies. “It’s disgusting how they can portray you as a little girl,” she says today. “It’s complete perversion.”

During this period, she worked as much as 60 days without a day off, shooting two and sometimes three sex scenes a day. “I didn’t know how to say no,” she notes. “I didn’t know how to stand up for myself. Before this, my mother made every decision for me.”

The youthful spark that made her such an attractive commodity began to fade. “It left me feeling drained,” she says. “I was so robotic I was like a rubber Barbie doll. I had no emotions.”

Initially, she made $900 for each sex scene she filmed, but the money quickly disappeared. As hopelessness and emptiness overwhelmed her, she turned to drugs to numb the pain. “I started with cocaine. Then it became a downhill spiral to heroin.”

“I had many lonely nights when I cut on my wrists. I tried to kill myself. I spent all my paycheck on drugs.”

After three years in the adult film industry, she was fed up. She placed a 911 call to her grandmother. “I need you grandma,” she said. “I’m done with this. Come and get me.”

During her stay with her grandparents, they took her to the Rock Church in San Diego, led by Pastor Miles McPherson. Brittni was “bawling” through most of the sermon. In response to his invitation, she raised her hand to receive Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior.

Ruiz, Brittni2closeupThe church gave her a Bible and after she got home, she devoured Genesis. “I always wondered how we became human. Finally I had the answer and I was so excited. I couldn’t put it down.”

She began to date a man she met at church, but the relationship had a tragic ending. As they sat together at Los Panchos restaurant in San Diego one evening, men from a rival motorcycle gang approached their table and began to beat her boyfriend with brass knuckles. “He got murdered, stabbed in front of me,” she recalls. The attackers were in and out of the restaurant within minutes.

Traumatized by the incident, her burgeoning faith was derailed. “That began another spiral into more drugs and suicide attempts,” she says.

She began to date someone close to her former boyfriend. He encouraged her to get off drugs and get baptized, and she began to get involved with church again. In another bizarre turn, this man turned out to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing. “He ended up being a pimp and got me back into the adult film industry,” she says.

Brittni began to straddle two worlds ruled by opposing powers. “I was on the Howard Stern show preaching the Word and I was preaching on the set.” She kept making adult films for two more years to make ends meet, as she battled contradictions that left her weary and dry. “It was a big mess,” she admits.

“The devil wanted me back, but God kept tugging at me,” Brittni says. “The devil had a plot, but God has a plan.”

The ministry of XXX Church, which employs creative outreach strategies to the porn industry, caught Brittni’s attention at a porn convention. Their booth at the Exotica convention blares to attendees, “Jesus loves porn stars.” Remarkably, they distribute hundreds of Bibles at these venues.

One of the young women who ministers to the girls, Rachel Collins, made an impression on Brittni. “She brought coffee, Bibles, lip gloss to the girls in the industry,” Brittni recalls. “She was so sweet and loving; there was a glow to her.”

After Brittni saw Rachel’s photo in one of their magazines, she contacted the ministry and eventually filmed an interview with Rachel about her experience with adult films.

In November 2012, Brittni filmed her last sex scene. “It was seven long years,” she laments. “I hated what I was doing, but I wondered what I would do next.” After Brittni left adult films, she found work with a limousine company and makes a decent income.Ruiz, Brittni

“I look forward to waking up every morning,” she says. “There is life after porn; there is life after drugs and prostitution.”

Brittni also reconciled with her parents and has a wonderful relationship with them today. Recently, her entire family sat together in church. “I love my mom so much,” she exclaims. “My sister got baptized with me and my brother prayed the prayer of salvation with me on the phone.”

“God is alive and He is working!” she says. “He is in the business of miracles. I have finally encountered the unconditional love of God and I will never go back.”


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  1. I’m so proud of this young woman for telling her story. Young people (even those under the age of 18) need to be on guard against those who promise to make them famous, as a lure into DMST (Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking). The average life expectancy of a DMST victim is only 7 years. Thankfully, Brittni had the courage to call for help and break out before it was too late. Blessing on you, Brittni each and every day of your new life.

  2. “Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” Im glad she repented and put her trust in Jesus Christ knowing He chose us, and we only love Him because He first loved us.

  3. Great article , what a great example Brittni could be to others trapped in that industry. Maybe God wants to use her for helping others that are trapped.

  4. Her struggle going back and forth until finally leaving for good reminds me of the story Redeeming Love. This shows how much God loves us.

  5. It always amazes me to see such gorgeous women going into the porn industry. It’s a contradiction – women, and men, who are so beautiful going into an industry that is slimy and full of filth. I am so thankful that the Lord got ahold of her and she listened. Having seen both sides of the coin she will have a more effective ministry since people want reality when it comes to faith, people do better relating and listening to those who have been through it, not to have just read about such things in a book or “my pastor told me” type lines.

  6. God Bless and keep you Brittni.
    I will send this article to my daughters. Age 18, 16.
    Thank You for speaking.

    • Sending this article to your daughters might not be in the end such a good idea. What if they compare working at McDonalds with working in the industry for a little bit and get all those money and royalties. And fame, even in the Christian circles. Sometimes I kind of wonder if we American Christians really worship God or just pure fame wherever comes from, it does not matter, we’ll accept porn fame too. I’m just too addicted to fame, bro just inject me with another story of fame because don’t you see I’m shaking…

  7. excellent post really guys kudos
    really delight for this girl
    but i feel really sad for her because she wasted her youth , lost her purity which i wish if she had proper guidance in her young age should would have not been a prey of the devil
    please i request all CHRISTIAN YOUNG FEMALES please do not under any circumstances put ur temple (ur body ) for such an act
    pls live a life like a LION of CHRIST even if for 1 day and then see Christ would do wonders for u
    he did for me and he is always there for me

  8. Awesome testimony. Brittni take it slow and learn how to daily walk consistently with the Lord. There is a Christian “industry”as well which can tire you out with all of its “ministry” opportunities. You were famous for one thing, don’t switch that for fame for another, but concentrate on making Him famous. God’s people are here for you.

    • EXCELLENT point. I pray that Brittni finds the real thing and is not just as exploited by consumer Christianity as she was the sex trade. She needs time to heal and grow.

  9. this article made me cry , this industry is so evil, straight from the pits of hell and always targets young nieve and usually lost people who are looking for attention and love in all the wrong places. its no different then exotic dancing just without the intimacy. However it still traps the girl into a life of darkness and hopelessness. I am so thrilled beyond words for this young girl to find her way to Jesus Christ for forgiveness. Gods mercies are new every morning. loved that you openly share your testimony and I hope it wil be used to help others later as you grow in your faith with the Lord. I believe he has great things in store for you. May God richly bless you

  10. Brittni…you are beautiful in spirit and in truth. You have an awesome testimony, which will help many people. Amen Sister….Welcome to The Family of God!

  11. Now you’re healed by his love. Reach out to others who hurt where you onced hurt. Great testimony.

  12. Brittni God loves you soooo much! Thank you for telling your story! I love you, my Christian sister.

  13. I know there will be countless people trying to shame her with her past. It’s the go-to response when someone with a past takes a stand for Jesus, but the good news is that ” Romans 8:1-6 says…
    “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.”

  14. What a testimony. I am a Christian man who struggles with occasionally watching porn. I may be a sex addict, I don’t know. But I am a teacher of an adult Sunday school class where we routinely talk about the evils of sin and how Satan drags us away and entices us. At the same time I indulge in Internet pornography. And like Paul, I (sometimes) do what I do not want to do. Thank you for putting a name to a face.
    It is always easier to resist this temptation when it is real versus a fictional face on a screen.
    Glory to God in the highest! To him be all praise !!!

  15. I recognized Brittni’s stage name while reading this article and looked her up on Wikipedia… while there are many such sites out there, this seems to be the go-to site for people. Mark Ellis, would you consider editing her Wikipedia page? The first thing I noticed is the first sentence: “Jenna Presley IS an American hardcore pornographic actress…” Let’s give her some dignity back and change this. Obviously you have interviewed her and know much of her story. Perhaps you would be the one to change this and add some of her current story.

    God Bless!

  16. Good for you that you’ve made efforts to move forward with your life whether it’s by means of religion or something else.

    I hope as part of your transition you shed your dependence on violent motorcycle gangs. They’ll use you just as did the porn industry. You can make it without such negative influence.

  17. I am all for people finding comfort in faith but what bothers me is that they refuse to take responsibility for their own actions. They always blame someone else for them doing something “sinful”.
    She needs to take control of her own life and admit that her actions were of her own making and just move on.

  18. let the first person who wants to throw a stone because of her past tell the truth about their own lives. I’m an ex drug user and dealer n I’m so thankful to my Saviour that He FOUND me. I’m the one that was lost not He. God bless this young lady n others who may have found themselves in the same situation.

  19. Praise God for what he has done to this young lady.You are a child of God and the devil doesnt have any authority over you.Always live for the lord as you are a living testimony.God can change and reverse what man cannot and thats how powerful God is.Heaven is for anyone who seeks God .

  20. Thanku God for saving her . and getting out of that sinful life, and i hope that she will be an example for many porn star, bless her life thanku God.

  21. AMEN! God, you are so amazing, i love stories like this. Let’s kick this back straight into hell. We must unite and put an end to pornography.

  22. greater love has no man than this, that Jesus…..He gave himself for His friends……I think I too need to realize this greatest love more and more until He comes..glory

  23. Dear, let your repentance be a true one. Please dont go back. All old things have gone. Now are a new creature. Pl dont allow anybody to call you your old professional name. Now you are a Holy God’s Child. Holy Girl. Jesus Christ’s blood has got such power to change anybody’s old nature and to become a completely new creation. Oh Glory to God. Lord Jesus, millions of thanks for your Holy Blood. Only because of that we are claiming that we are holy people.

  24. yes ,sister,yours testimony is very nice.Jesus given a New life for Gospel Working in Other -Country through you.we know a one-man love to porn-star converted grail in christ for missionary work in Bihar-State (india ) or Nepal.we are searing to yours matters for missionary-programe ,if you can contect to direct for sear to vision,faith or goals.god bless you.Aamen.

  25. This is the power of almighty god who has changed you, has given you new life. you are an amazing person. god bless you and will bless you, praise be to the name of the lord….

  26. There’s nothing bad about being a pornstar. It’s a kind of art. Sex is art and showing men and women enjoying sex is awesome

  27. To God be the glory for saving this woman,my sister continue with the faith in Jesus and I pray that u can preach to other women who in the porn industry so that thy can also find Christ and be saved God bless u dear

  28. May I leave a reply…hi luv,i am a male that loves Christ .i am married with two beautiful kids and a lovely wife .i gave my heart and life to Christ in 2005 and I enjoyed the journey with Him and still am. Satan introduced me to porn .I started with 1 minute of of staring to half an hour of glaring. Each day I found myself entering this demon world and entertained myself with the scenes it portrays .I have been an active porn watcher for 2 months and it started with pictures until I started watching the videos.It had a lock on me and I knew right there and then,this has to stop. What Jesus did to u, He did to me,i ran to Him with my problem and He saved me. just as it started, it disappeared. the craving to watch porn and the disgusting thoughts, mind you, we cannot control what enters our minds, but we sure can destroy the image by not entertaining it and just close your eyes and say Lord Jesus, Help me with these thoughts. It has left my mind entirely, stating the fact that says in James 4:7, Submit yourself to God, resist the Devil and he will flee from you. Its like your life has become too much of a challenge for satan that he just gives up and run.. Amen. God bless you and your family and I pray that your message reach many in search of salvation…God Bless you all. Brother B.

  29. I pray the lord strengthen her and grant grace inside her soul in Jesus name . pornography is the very sin the lord want us to run from .

  30. I want to thank god for her. it dosent matter what people see u as u are always beautiful to God. Your virginity is lost but your virtue is restored

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