Day of Prayer for Syria May 11


By Jerry Dykstra                                                                   Syrian Christians are asking for prayer

“We will all pray together in Syria, but we need every Christian in the world to pray. Please pray that the problems will come to an end and those causing the problems will stop. Pray that Syria will find Jesus.” –Open Doors contact in Damascus.

According to a press release by Open Doors, a day of prayer for Syria has been set up for Saturday, May 11th, for Believers everywhere to join in prayer with the Christian Church within Syria.

A quote from the release notes: “Without the Church, Syria has no future.” One Open Doors contact in Aleppo said, “We need food and medicines. But what our country needs most now is prayer. We have no option [other] than to turn to God in this desperate situation. The most important thing the world can do for us now is pray.”

The report from the Open Doors release stated that there are areas in the cities of Homs and Aleppo that are “being taken over by Muslim extremists, who are implementing Sharia Law.”

One church leader in Damascus noted, “It is so powerful to pray like one family. It’s not that just our prayers aren’t enough for God, but if all the Christians in the world unite with one heart, we believe it will be a blessing for Syria and the whole earth. Words can’t describe how thankful we are that you will pray with us. We pray that God will bless everyone who is praying with us.”syria prayer

1st Corinthians 12:26 says; “If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.”

Before the civil war, although meetings were monitored, Christians were respected in Syrian society, but this is rapidly changing. Muslim Background Believers (Christians from a Muslim Background) face opposition from family and friends, and also now from foreign extremist fighters and mercenaries. Previously, Christians were persecuted for supporting the government, or not taking sides. Now a clear religious motive has been added by the influx of these foreign radicals. Many Christians have been abducted, physically harmed or killed, churches damaged or destroyed, and tens of thousands of Christians have fled.

Please pray:

  • For Christians who had to flee their homes – for safety, provision and peace
  • For emergency relief and trauma counseling
  • Give thanks that, despite the challenges, the Syrian church is reaching out to others
  • Pray for safety and peace for Christians in Syria
  • Pray for the politics and freedom in the nation of Syria
  • Pray for the salvation of the leaders, the militants and all Muslims of Syria and bordering nations

— Open Doors International