Chuck and Nancy Missler have relocated from the United States

By Dan Wooding —
Charles “Chuck” Missler, the well-known American author and Bible teacher, has moved with his wife, Nancy, from the United States to New Zealand, after many previous visits there.
Missler, founder of the Koinonia House ministry based in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, has now established a new home for himself and Nancy in Reporoa, a small town located  in the Waikato region of the country.
A story published by New Zealand’s Challenge Weekly ( reports that Missler explained that both of them felt God led them to their new home and “there is a fantastic destiny ahead for New Zealand.”
The couple built their home on the grounds of the River Lodge, a well-known venue with a 30-year history to New Zealanders for weddings and corporate retreats. They are planning a series of ‘Study Retreats’ on selected weekends, according to the newspaper.
The Missler’s say the retreats will be “40 hours with 40 people to gain a 20/20 insight” on a subject of interest.
Also located on the premises is Lyonshead Media, a consolidation of advanced video and audio editing and publishing facilities which relocated from Idaho and Portsmouth, in the UK.
The Missler’s plan to originate all their new materials from their new headquarters at the River Lodge. The presence of these facilities will permit visitors to carry away the DVDs of the subjects explored during their visit.
Missler is among the best-known Bible expositors in the world. His publications have encouraged believers to take the Bible seriously as an “extraterrestrial message from outside our time domain.'”
Challenge Weekly said that Chuck Missler had become impatient with those who maintain “that you can’t prove the Bible,” and draws on his professional background in the information sciences to point out that you can demonstrate the integrity and deliberate design of the 66 books we call the Bible, even though they were written by over 40 different authors.
It says that Missler insists that, “Once one discovers that every number, every place name, every detail has been skillfully and deliberately crafted, one then is confronted with a second discovery: that this deliberate design had to come from outside the dimension of time itself, since it anticipates history in advance – in such detail that it demands a supernatural origin.”
He points out, “Since God has the technology to create us in the first place, he certainly has the technology to get a message to us. The challenge is how does he authenticate his message – so that we know it is really from him, and not a contrivance or a fraud? By relying on his unique vantage point outside our time domain. Only he knows the end from the beginning.”
Chuck Missler’s “unique perspective” is the result of a 30-year executive career in the high technology arena. He has served on the board of directors of over a dozen public companies, and has served as Chief Executive Officer of six of them.
Mrs. Missler is also well-known in her own right and her 14 books have influenced both men and women, and salvaged many marriages. ‘Her Way of Agape’ is a best-selling classic known throughout the English-speaking world.
Does this mean that chuck will be lowering what he charges to hear Gods messages? Always thought he was charging too much for his messages.Shouldn’t cost so much to hear a message from God.
Why should he do that? KHouse has to pay bills like anyone else. They charge what they need to to keep their people employed and their websites operating, travel for whatever is needed, etc. Unless you think all those nice people up in Coeur d’Alene should do it all for free…
Actually they are provided with some really nice refreshments while they work…
I worked for K House for awhile as sys admin managing 20 websites and Blue letter Bible – which we also hosted. Never ran into any refreshments while at work?? But maybe you are referring to the great lunches that were provided on occasion. They were excellent 🙂
I have to take that back as unjust remembered there were often donuts to go along with the coffee. I sure loved working for them – made several life long friends. Don’t forget to pray for Nancy as she is recovering but still fighting cancer.
Spot on, David!
God is not cheap! We know that because He sent His best- His Son, Jesus. We serve God who is Rich in Mercy and rich in everything else too. Christians really need to wake up to the fact we serve God, whose power has created all things and will supply all our needs (and wants also we dedlight ourselves in the Lord by living according to His will), according to His richies and GLORY!
Would you condemn Lot for leaving Sodom and Gomorrah to escape the ensuing corrupt and vile government? The easiest answer to your question is that voting with your feet is the only recourse when nothing else will work! How many people have renounced American citizenship just this year? Thousands? There will be more…..
C.M. sells videos and books for a price to pay for his ministry, as most local churches pass around an offering plate before and after every service. ALL of his movies and books are available online which he makes no effort to remove, even on youtube. I’ve even heard him say something along the lines of “these videos are also available to watch many places online” while discussing another series he had recently released to dvd.
Dear Chuck Missler:
after found you and lovely wife move to New Zealand , I felt so sad and left alone in USA. so sad, but what a beautiful place to settle in, how wonderful as it is, God send it, so beautiful, may all the day of you and your wife , long life satisfies new home and continue to teach us, I need to hear your teaching and learn as continue and keep us form that make sure I can be able to see from you tube video your teaching sermon, I choose video YouTube the best!
may God bless you all the day of your life and lovely wife, and love you so much, awesome bible teacher forever more ,chuck Missler, big Amen to that.
God bless,,,,
A lot of Chuck Missler material is free on you tube I think it’s very unfair to accuse him of profiteering, he’s not just reading the bible to us, he’s sharing decades of brilliant work , he also supports a lot of good ministries and very important research with the money he makes .
Missler has always been a bit snotty, seeking out those of his own net worth. Eighty million dollars. He is runnig away to escape the coming dollar colaspe
Gail, why do you say this so spitefully and about a decision that had to do between God and the Misslers? What has hardened your heart, for you to be so judgmental and nasty about Chuck? Its very sad, you’ve chosen to be this way.
Why are you so judgmental Michelle? Judge not lest ye be judged. Who are you to say Gail has a hard heart? Did John the Baptist have a hard heart when he confronted the corrupt Pharisees at the river Jordan? Gail has a point. There is a cadre of mostly rich people who are making preparations for a grand civilizational crackup aka the “apocalypse”. Chuck is without question one of them although he may not live long enough to experience it, if it happens. It’s a mistake to turn a blind eye to anyone who claims authority. No one is except from sin. Just because someone says they are acting on a word or message from God doesn’t necessarily make it so.
Just what FACTS are you basing those accusations on, and where are you getting them from?
As the family of God, we are to uphold our brothers and sisters, not tear them apart. The worldly media does an excellent job with this as the vehicle of the enemy. When we start to look and sound more like them, it is time to examine ourselves to see whom we really do serve.
Missler has a PhD from Louisiana Baptist University a controversial, unaccredited on-line university. Interestingly:
… by purchasing and reading a book by Chuck Missler and writing a short paper, one can receive college credit from Louisiana Baptist University. Assist News quoted Missler as explaining that LBU “has offered course credits for those that do a ‘reflective paper’ on what they got out of it”. In addition to the three semester hours credit, people “also get a certificate for it.” According to Missler’s website, the university allows students to transfer “credits” from Missler’s Koinonia Institute for “up to half of the credit hour requirements for a graduate degree” at Louisiana Baptist University.
So…whats your point? Have you never taken a college course where you are required to buy the professor’s book as the course text? Whereupon completing a paper on it you receive credit?
True enough that a PhD is only as good as the institution awarding it. For myself, I give an institution more credibility that recognizes that our Savior created the universe than one that thinks humanity’s ancestry goes back to an ape.
I have far greater issues with letting the title ‘doctor’ escape my lips in reference to someone who actually belives that kind of nonsense.
Further, the US Navel Accademy, may be accredited, if that makes you feel any better. Besides, are trying to suggest he doesn’t know what he’s talking about? There are plenty of scholars with more ‘acceptable’ degrees that look to Chuck Missler as an expert in biblical studies.
I’m not quite sure what exactly you’re objecting to in your post or why. I personally understand more about the bible after listening to Chuck than before…regardless of whether he has a degree.
It takes a lot of work to prepare these sermons and a gifted person to teach us God’s Word like Dr. Missler does.
For me Dr. Missler’s sermons provided me with a “GIGANTIC TIME SHORTCUT” to learning The Word of God !!!
There are no short cuts to learning the Word of God. If you’re not reading, studying, thinking, meditating and opening yourself to God, He can’t communicate with you. You must put in the time on your own. What Chuck teaches is what Chuck has learned, but it comes from Chuck. You want God to put his Word directly on your heart, mind and soul. End of sermon. 😉
All the teachings that I bought from Chuck is money well spent, some of the best teaching I have ever heard. I still buy his teaching when I am able, I plan on getting all of his teachings. Thank you Chuck keep it up I have learned so much from your CD learn the Bible in 24 hours and still learning from it, there is so much info packed into it. Great Stuff
He is a visionary. He sees where America is headed and how the Lord has already abandon this country. Myself and so many others are planning an exodus out of here as well before our President takes what little we have left. South America sounds interesting. Many friends are headed to New Zealand as well.
Where are you going to run to brother? Are you really going to give up your entire nation without even a little bit of a struggle? Do you have any idea of the ignorance, incompetence, and near-complete uselessness of those who pursue you? They’ve turned their back on knowledge, they’ve turned their back on work, they’ve turned their back on industry, patience, skill, kindness, love, integrity, Truth and God, yet they are driving you away saying “America is lost”?
As Christians we are strongly opposed by powers and principalities to be sure, but the weak, vacillating, and lost soles who oppose us are NOT strong and they are NOT to be feared – until you turn your back and run. After all, our not standing up for the Lord is exactly what has thus far allowed them to multiply their strength and numbers. Every day our failure drags countless souls to Hell, and it is shameful unto the Lord when His most blessed Christians who ever walked the Earth fall to their knees and fail to stand their ground.
Lest you forget, Satan was the Lord’s most perfect creation until fault (pride) was found in him. He was excellent in all his ways. He KNOWS what righteousness is. He’s seen HIM. And then he looks at the weak pathetic damned beings that follow him and I can’t but think he must hang his head in shame. He wants and needs to destroy them.
That’s why we need to stand up as Christians brother. Christ shed HIS blood for our salvation. How can we now run away without so much a shadow of a fight? One thing I can sincerely tell you my brother.. if we can lose America, what Ocean will ever be big enough to protect you?
God Bless Chuck and Nancy Missler. I’m sure they’re following the Lord’s voice for the Lord’s reason, but personally I feel that unless the Lord has called to you personally and told you to flee, I strongly doubt He will be providing you new blessings when you just shrank and fled away from this great inheritance before the enemy even showed up on the field.
PS – You mentioned Exodus. I strongly urge you to read it again. Remember, the 40 years the Jews spent wandering the desert was a punishment for not going before the Lord into the promised land with boldness as they had been told.
Mike T:
Great response, brother !
I do respect CM a lot – have received a lot of his teachings over the years.
And we pray God has moved him to New Zealand in His Good Providence.
I no longer hold to Dispensational views – as Missler does – but am more Covenantal in my Scriptural view.
It makes all the difference, as this view never sees ‘Evil’ as self exisiting & operation outside God’s Authority (as Dispensationalism seems to…), but rather admits that Evil gains power only in response to our failure to Obey our LORD.
The wording of our ‘timid Christian Brother’ MBH puts the blame on the big Evil “O”:
“Myself and so many others are planning an exodus out of here as well before our President takes what little we have left….”
(end quote)
…insead of the refusal of we, the Churchemen & LORD’s disciples, to
“Stand up for Jesus” in Holy Boldness & confront the evil compromises in our own lives, families & assemblies.
Once we do this, facing down political liars like Obama (and GWB & Clinton, et al before him) and watching them shrink into the Shadows from whence they came, will be a Natural consequence.
Christian Statesmanship has a great future – IF & WHEN we will gain the Virtue & Play the Man – quit our porn habits, put down the junk food, switch off the cable (root & branch) & get active, mentally, physically & spiritually.
I like your point about ‘no ocean wide enough’ to shelter a man who’s running away.
The Armor in Ephesians 6 only covers our Chest, not our backs. We are meant to do battle with all the Armament God has supplied us – David Faced Goliath & declared the LORD’s will.
When we are so strengthened & face the Evil in humility, Victory will be ours.
This is how we fight political insanity like ObamaCare, Foolish Supreme Court Decisions & TSA Gate Rapes.
It should also be mentioned that God blesses No Empire, and the Empire USSA Oligarchs are attempting to run the world – that’s God’s Job – Psalm 2, Psalm 110, Matthew 28:18.
Yes, we play a role, as per Psalm 149 & Matthew 28:19-20, but a subservient one.
And the US military blowing up innocents in the Middle East – those we should evangelize – isn’t a sign of Christian civiliaztion advancing, but receeding & fearful !
Instead of blaming the Muslims, Russians or other puffed up bogeymen, let us purify our own hearts & minds by Christ’s Power. Learn to walk in that power, listed to the Spirit & obey His Word.
A line from a great hymn, Rise Up O Men of God:
“Rise Up O Men of God, Have done with lesser things, Give Heart & Soul & Mind & Strength to serve the King of Kings….”
Meet you in the middle, Brothers !
David – (East) Texas Republic
Remember the formula: 33 (AD) + 1492 + 1776 Overcomes 1984
A bit spurious.
Spot on Mike. We have to stand in faith when we have done all we can. Running away just makes it easy for Satan to have a go at us. In Australia, true Christians are beginning to be targeted by atheists and an eclectic mob of howling wolves, so as we stand our ground we take comfort in the fact that God will never leave us nor forsake us and when the time is right will rescue us from this life.
I also wish the Misslers well. They have done much to further His Kingdom.
I have been avidly watching and listening to Chuck for a few months now, after being pointed in his direction by a fellow Christian and his expositions have shifted my views on some matters and confirmed my notions on a few others. The things I have learned have confounded some of the atheistic blatherers who have tried to derail my faith and a couple have said to me they are reassessing their beliefs. As to his shift to New Zealand, you Anericans need to get out of the idea that the USA is the centre of the universe when the reality is that he hasn’t left the planet but is a few milliseconds away as far as communicating to the world! Don’t forget that the Misslers are well beyond ‘Retirement age’ and yet he and Nancy put in unbeleivable hours to get Gods message out to us fools and naves. Give him a break! And, when you have done half as much for the USA (and as a consequence for the rest of the free world) as he has, over his working life, not forgetting the good that Nancy has done also, then you can talk. Until then ask ‘What can I do for my country?’
Cheers & Blassings.
Amen. And it may be surprising that I am an American with African descent who feels the same way. America along all the other nations of the world are turning into a cesspool of sin and corruption. As a Christian it is very important to declare the truth of God to all. Now whether you do that on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial or from a recording studio in New Zealand, if it is directed by God it should supported by other True Believers. Im always amazed at how little effort it takes to divide “church folks.”
Thank you Chuck and Nancy for the Great, Blessed work you have done to help stimulate the thoughts and actions of the Body of Believers ALL AROUND THE WORLD.
To the brothers on this post who are strong in the faith – David Alan and Mike T especially – please know that Christian women are with you on what you are saying. Christian women, hear me: our Christian men are worth it. Our blood-bought, Bible-believing, faith-acting men, are worth everything to us, they are God’s gift to us, and we need to do what David Alan tells the brothers to do: stop eating ourselves fat & making ourselves unattractive to our Christian men; stop whining and complaining to our men that we don’t have ‘things’ that the world says we have to have to be ‘cool’ or accepted or whatever (we don’t); stop watching so much reality tv; stop trying to imitate those cowards; be in awe of your man as your gift from God, serve him lovingly and he will do the same for you. Take care of his children that he gave you, and don’t despise his parents no matter how harsh they are to you. Again: our Christian men are worth it. We need to help them, support them, and love them unconditionally, as they do battle, spiritual and otherwise, in this lost and rotten world.
Whatever you do do it for the Lord. Don’t idolize your man and center your life around him, eating for him for crying out loud! Tell his parents when they’re cruel to get saved or you’re through with them! Don’t EVER be in awe of anyone except God. Sister you just have a bad case of lust, that’s all.
Not a great response, brother!
I’m really going against my better judgement by answering, but I just can’t seem to resist this for some reason! Let me just briefly indulge myself.
The bulk of your response seems to be in judgement of fellow believers based on some huge assumptions. First, that Dr. Missler (and/or others like him) are fleeing like cowards away from the United States to escape persecution without so much as putting up a proper fight. Secondly, that God will eventually have to (as Dr. Billy Graham puts it) “apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah” (but that’s a whole ‘nother story).
Regarding that first assumption, I’m not aware of Dr. Missler listing this as one of his reasons for deciding to make the move to N.Z., nor does he strike me as the type that would, based on what I know of his deep patriotic ties, unless of course he had a very good reason.
I couldn’t help but notice this line that you added (and I quote):
“God Bless Chuck and Nancy Missler. I’m sure they’re following the Lord’s voice for the Lord’s reason, but personally I feel that unless the Lord has called to you personally and told you to flee, I strongly doubt He will be providing you new blessings when you just shrank and fled away from this great inheritance before the enemy even showed up on the field.”
What on earth are you saying? Are you giving them your blessing, or are you shaming them? As an aside, do you really think the “enemy has not even showed up on the field”??? A bit naive, don’t you think?
You also made a sort of self-deprecating statement about Satan. I’m not really sure what you were trying to say, but I do remember that one of his attributes (or names) is “The Accuser Of The Brethren”. Do you think it’s possible that you may have accidentally gotten into the wrong discipleship program at your local church?
Thanks for your post John…you just saved me from having to write one.?
Spot on
Thank you for your encouraging post!
May God give you even more insight into His word
I was only recently ‘introduced’ to Chuck Missler, a couple of months ago. It is to my regret that I was not ‘introduced’ to him (his Word) much, much sooner. I have only gained ‘much more’ of the Word and depth of God from this servant and have no doubt of New Zealand being ‘blessed’ because of his move there
I hope someone will carry the torch after chuck leaves planet earth. I would hate to see his teachings die with him!
JOHN 10,12-13
But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep. 13The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep.
I suppose this is the truth!
Spot on!
1) You assumed he is running…
2) You assumed he is a pastor…
3) You assumed he was abandoning his sheep…
1) Chuck said he felt God calling him to go to NZ. Either he is lying or you are wrong.
2) Chuck is not a pastor, he is a teacher. A pastor is someone who is there every moment of your life, he is responsible for your spiritual well being and you are under his authority. A teacher teaches the truth of God and he is not necessarily in the same place as you are or even part of your personal circle of friends. So, your application of John 10 is wrong.
3) Chuck is used all around the world. I never been in US and still I’m blessed by God thru him. With Internet all over the place, how can you think he is abandoning if he is still in contact?
Amen! Thanks for that
Oh my glob, Andrea. How dare you call Chuck a wolf in sheep’s clothing/hireling. He has a sterling reputation as a true man of God and is free to move to a different country if he desires.
This arrogant attitude you display is shameful. I plan on fleeing America too, as I see it is certainly in lockstep with Germany of the 1925-1940 era. It is now the Fourth Reich.
The (smart) Jews fled Satan’s flood before they were exterminated, and thinking you can just sit there and say “I rebuke you, Satan” is a very misguided and simplistic mistake. You obviously have no idea what depth and breadth of corruption America has sunk to.
The One World Government forces, united with the Muslims and Communists have completely taken over the US. The past 6 elections have been a complete set up to put the puppet into office they desire.
Unless God does something miraculous to save America, it is doomed to fall into total tyranny and slavery.
Now, you lot can get all puffed up with patriotic pride and call me all the names you want to, but I am observing the cold hard facts, not what my emotions direct me to see. Prepare yourself for civil war and persecution, because it is just around the bend.
But where can you go? Is it actually ‘safe’ anywhere else on the planet? 1930’s Germany was one thing, the Globalists running the US and the World today is something else. Right now a few locations look good, and might be, but it seems that if there were actually an island of liberty that could escape the tyranny, that it would soon be targeted and swallowed up as well. I think it may be that we need to stand and fight. “Resist the devil and he will flee”.
“The One World Government forces, united with the Muslims and Communists have completely taken over the US. The past 6 elections have been a complete set up to put the puppet into office they desire.” You mean Trump of course!
After learning about what just happened at the White House, I wish I was going with them to New Zealand. It can’t be much longer before God’s anger spills out all over this country… about people’s hearts failing them for fear!!
I enjoyed and was blessed by Bro.Misslers “out of the box” teachings
unfortunately we do live in a world where bills have to be paid
on just about everything so donating to his Ministry is money well spent i’ve never gone to a concert or a sports event but they tell me they overcharge you for everything…
I have been listening to Chuck Missler’s teaching almost daily since 1973 when he had weekly Bible studies at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, California. He has totally blessed my life with his teachings. Everything cost money to produce. It is appropriate for them to charge for his CDs and his CDs are well worth much more than what they are charging. I was on the Lost Anchors of Paul cruise to the Greek island with the Misslers and got to know him personally on that trip and a few other times over the years. Chuck and Nancy are the real deal. Anyone who applies himself to a systematic study of God’s Word through Chucks teaching can be assured that he will grow rapidly as a Christian.
I had the opportunity to ask him this question in person few months back here in NZ. He says ” I don’t know why.. I guess we’ll wait and see”
God Bless CM. why would’nt we pay for all the precious informations derieved from the bible,which is not at all easy.
Why,is’nt it said so, that one would sell his field to buy the wisdom from the master…
As far as I’m concerned Chuck Missler is a genius and I could listen to him ALL day!
The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
I think any revelation from God through whoever is treasure CM has been a blessing in full for me. Anyone who can put clear arguments against those who attack our faith has my respect. Grow on Chuck and Nancy.
All the teachings that I bought from Chuck is money well spent, some of the best teaching I have ever heard. I still buy his teaching when I am able, I plan on getting all of his teachings. Thank you Chuck keep it up I have learned so much from your CD learn the Bible in 24 hours and still learning from it, there is so much info packed into it. Great Stuff I will add well said I agree 100%
I’ve recently listened to chucks podcasts and am blown away by his incredible knowledge of EVERYTHING. What an amazing man of God and a true blessing to New Zealand.
Chuck Missler is the most astounding Bible teacher I have ever had the pleasure of listening to his teachings on the books of the bible.God has gifted him with the intellectual capacity to understand how to relate God’s word using his knowledge of the sciences’ and the ability to understand Isreals time clock in relation to Bible prophecy.I am sorry I may never get to meet him here on earth but wish him and his wife a successful ministry in New Zealand.He is my favorite Bible teacher–a true genius!
I, too, love Dr. Missler’s teachings, because they are TRUE and accurate interpretations of God’s Word. He’s been given a gift for this work of God, and just as we support the pastors of our churches and ministries all over the world, we support Churck’s ministry. Having said all of this, membership at KI just recently went to $300 a year. There are many of us who simply cannot afford that membership, and without it, we do not receive a 20% discount on all of his videos and recordings that members receive. What a shame.
I believe that our God has a interest in every part of our lives from the smallest of issue to the largest. So making a move to New Zealand is one of those particulars that God has a large interest in. I as many others that enjoy the truth that is brought out from a single word and brings the truth out of a verse that changes everything. Those new finds bring understanding, rather than to except the word by faith that God knew best and stand there without a clear view of what God wanted to tell us. Also as others mentioned the ability to bring the sciences into the explanation that Fifty or One-Hundred years ago would be just simply impossible without the knowledge we have today. So such as a time as these we will glean everything we can and be aware of what is going on around us and at all times being in prayer. I truly think as fast as things are going on around us all . Being in prayer always is a absolute must. I think at the speed things can change with modern technology you better be in tune with the Holy Spirit like never before and knowing his voice from every noise that bombards are lives today. So I hope that God will unfold before the Missler’s all he has for them and truthfully when God has a plan for them it will be for our greater good. Because their Hearts are to servants not to be served and God will always be there for that heart to Serve others.
We use to listen to you until you started spewing lies and deceit to scare your followers into believing your words. I am personally glad you turned your back on the US because you spew nothing but lies to scare you blinded flock to follow you down that rabbit hole. Oh by the way Fox News is not a news station they are the ones caught with their pants down because they are considered an entertainment company and should be treated as such. Your love for Bush makes me sick, He lied to the American people lied straight to our faces and you back him? 1000’s of live shattered because of him our freedom stripped piece by piece by him and you follow this man. You are really a confused (Christian) I actually think you are a racially biased so good bye glad to see you leave.
B Cope… is so tragic to see you spew the hatred you have for Chuck Missler. Two questions. Why specifically do you disagree with him? You speak in such generalities. Secondly, why can’t you speak the truth in love?
Chuck spoke out about the ‘patriot act’ before many other conservatives noticed anything amiss. I heard it first from him, then later from others. Maybe you are watching an old video when he, like the rest of us believed Bush was a christian who wanted to do the right thing.
Such hate! Our God isn’t a God of hate, but of love. I feel so badly for you; immersed with all this hate inside. Hate eats you up just as much as cancer does. B Cope, turn your heart back to the love of Jesus. Ask Him for His great love for all mankind to dwell in your heart. He will do this for you! One more thing: don’t believe every thing you hear, read or even think. When your heart isn’t dwelling on the goodness and love of Christ, even your thoughts aren’t correct. Open your heart to God, He’s right there to step in and help.
Chuck, you were truly anointed by God for your ministry. I started listening to you on Coast to Coast with my father (who has long passed). God bless you, your wife, family and ministry. You have such a great love for God and his word! I thank God for your great intellect, boldness, and that you teach us things that no one dare discuss here in the USA. Thank you, thank you!
I have followed Chuck Missler’s ministry for nearly 20 years. I have been so blessed, and his provocative teaching of God’s word has always challenged me to search out the scriptures…his ministry has increased my teaching and I have grown to challenge others as well to search out the scriptures…study to show yourself approved of God…
I visited Khouse once in Coeur D’alene Idaho. It was an unexpected visit when I realized how close they were to a friend I was visiting in in Spokane. I took her with me and we found out Chuck was teaching that night and we came back for that evening’s video broadcast. I was so excited to be there in person. What a blessing.
Bless Chuck and Nancy, I only hope God blesses me with an opportunity (maybe more than one) to visit them in New Zealand…
God’s blessings from San Francisco, CA.
I have been a student of Chuck Missler since he and Hal Linsey had a radio program every Saturday morning out of Los Angeles. I would not miss that program. Two noted and brilliant scholars who love the Word expounding and feeding off one another. Wow! What a blessing! I wish I could afford all of Chuck Missler’s teachings. For my money he has no equal.
Terry, there is very much of Chuck’s ministry videos on YouTube. You might find things on there that you haven’t heard. Both Hal and Chuck are not far from 90 and I think Hal is a bit older. For those who have not yet heard him, I pray for the Lord to extend his life and encourage both of them to believe God for Nancy’s complete healing, because men don’t do as well if their wives pass before them.
Dear Chuck, I listen each workday morning on Radio Rhema in Auckland NZ. I praise God for raising you up to minister to us who will listen to your broadcast. Cheers Mike
I am not a follower of any man or women. That said, I am grateful to the Lord for raisng a man like Chuck Missler. May God richly bless him and his wife for giving thier life to the work God has entrusted to them.
We desperately need to pay attention to all that God is saying to the Universal Body of Christ, particulary in the light of what the Enemy of our soul is doing to deceive people, includng Christians (read Luce 21:26 & Matt 24:37). When considering the vastness of His knowledge and God’s purpose of equipping His people in these last days, it will behoove us to pay attention ALL the biblical teachings including Chuck Missler’s. We needn’t fear false teachers: If one is truly born again, then we are told Spirit of God will dwell in him/her. It is our joy then to read the Love Letter authored by His Spirit, A.K.A Bible, and abide in the presence of God by living a life that is a worship to God. If one does that, no man can decieve us as His word declares so. Moreover, the Spirit of God will bear witness to our spirit how to discern the words we hear.
We really need to get away from a “sectarian” mentiality leading to adhere only a certain type of teaching or what is befitting to how we think God is working or not working for that matter. I pray that we will rise to heavenly place (we are told that we are sitted there with Jesus as are in Him), and correctly percieve the plan of God for the world and coperate with Him, one of which is to be a labourer in the greatest harvest in these end time.
All of us are living in such time as now to demonstrate the Power and Love of God to the world that desperately need to see there’s a Savior. We do not have time to engage with people who markets Hell by speaking ill about anybody and about anything. Let us get busy marketing Our Father’s Kingdom and Establsiing His Will as it is Heaven! May our eyes see His Glory!
This is bothersome. New Zealand is where all the high ranking politicos and illuminati’s are going to avoid the collapse of the US dollar. He seems like a coward now instead of a hero. Jumping ship with the other rich people.
well, he moved there a while before the recent exodus of elites.
I have been a fan of the Misslers for years now. Very gifted folks. If you want to know the Bible, Chuck is the man. But if you want to know the Lord, then Nancy’s stuff is what you want to be paying attention to. Both have their parts to play.
I would like to thank The Holy Spirit for using Chuck and Nancy Missler. May God continue to richly bless them. I have grown so much thru the daily walks in the Word with Dr. Missler and as a side note pick up a copy of The kingdom the power and the Glory, it is excellent! Love you guys, can’t wait till the family reunion in Heaven!
I was made redundant from my job of three years in foreign land and have to endure a hard life while there because I wasn’t willing to leave that country just yet, thinking that I may still have the chance to get back to a job as I was not an illegal immigrant but an honest workman. But I was wrong in thinking that way. However the good thing that happened in 2008 was that, the LORD led me to hear Dr. Missler’s teaching which was about the end times. After hearing that teaching I googled him and I have been listening since and all for free. So those saying that khouse overpriced, you people are wrong, Dr. Missler with his wit can easily pull down from youtube all those free video’s but he never did. And all teachings in are free to listen, free to read.. I have no complains for Dr.Missler and his ministry because of the blessing they have always been since the LORD introduced me to them in 2008. Although I only bought a single book since 2008 due to my personal circumstances, but if I could have afforded I would have bought everything he has published because I know GOD is using him to educate those of us who think we believe and yet have no love for GOD’s Holy Word. What can a man give in exchange for his soul?
I will not be ashamed to say that I love Dr. And Mrs. Missler, and I am grateful to the LORD everytime He reminds me to pray for them and their ministry. I pray the LORD will keep both of them safe and sound until our LORD Jesus brings us all to heaven.
Thank you Dr. And Mrs. Missler, although others may not appreciate your ministry but there are more of us who loves you very dearly and prays for you. Stay strong because you are truly blessed and loved.
I love and appreciate the both of them and pray they continue walking in the footsteps of Jesus, His will thru the Holy Spirit…..I learned a long time ago the Holy Spirit is our teacher. He is the one that teaches Chuck and Nancy Missler . If you are hungry, the Father Jehovah will reveille and teach all we need to know, even tell us his plans if we seek him…. Thank God for what Chuck and Nancy have done and doing in there calling in Jesus. He never told us to keep our eyes on Chuck and Nancy. That is what we need to be doing! Pursuing our calling of the Will for the talents we have been given…we should stop being like many others Adam, Eve, pointing, blaming others… Be as King David did quick to repent and touch not Gods anointing, praying to the Father with questions we may have….It takes time, dedication , perseverance, prayer, study and time of quietness, listening to the Holy Spirit and many time’s by fasting…… I also must say Nancy Missler sent me a set of teachings on DVD FREE several years ago,when I was going thru a very bad time and very down on myself. No one else showed up when I thought I needed Jesus to send someone my way….Who knows, I may have had a lot of Job friends, meaning well but would have help the devil beat me down… Who showed up was the Holy Spirit teaching me and taught me to only BELIEVE HIM, that He was with me and would not leave me…. Trusting Him that He would take what satan was meaning for destruction, and turn around to bring Glory to His name. It was not easy and I went thru a lot but He the father is faithful. The Holy Spirit did and does teach us all things the father and Jesus speaks of, all that we need to know, to set us free, stand us on our feet and teaching and setting free by the Holy Spirit thru the word of truth….If we have ears to hear in all things he and the father are doing in His will not ours. We must surrender our will, He knows what we have need of before we ask… And he is faithful, what he has done for others he will do for us. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus Christ the author and finisher of all. My blessings to all of you, pray to the Father Jehovah and study the word, Jesus and the manifestation of power the Holy Spirit will overtake us, and into the presence of the Father as Elijah one day soon…… Servant In The Masters Hands.
I have never met Chuck Missler but just find his seminars awesome to listen to. I have listened to him and realize that he is so intelligent but to my amazement I have been able to understand much of what he talks of and feel that maybe God has been so kind as to allow me the understanding of the high level seminar that Chuck speaks. This is so exciting to be able to comprehend the seminar with no lost of interest from my part. We that believe in the God of creation and the Trinity are so blessed by God for giving us this wonderful speaker that speaks of the why, where, and what from our God. I include Chuck Missler in with a few ministers as for helping us all understand our Lord and help us to continue seeking Him for our daily blessing and love that we have from our Savior. I pray that Chuck will continue his God given ministry so many more will have the opportunity to find God Himself and be given the blessings of the Holy Spirit from Jesus so their life will be one that is what God plans for all His people. I thank God for Chuck and serious ministers that help us find God for our betterment.
Chuck and Nancy, welcome to New Zealand, may your life, work and ministry be blessed by our Abba Father through his Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
I’ve bought a few of your publications (worth every NZ cent spent on it) and I enjoy your “free” online news line.
Our strongest weapon is prayer and that we can do from any place. May we be blessed in New Zealand by the God of nations and may we keep on singing this prayerful Hymn as a national anthem. God defend New Zealand and our world until You come again to reign over all. Amen
Chuck Missler is a false teacher and a false prophet. There is plenty of biblical evidence that points this out if one would take the time to find out as many others have done. Just type in Chuck Missler false teacher on a search engine.
Hi anybody have the old cassette commentaries for sale give me an email , looking for Job, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Psalms . maybe we can set up a ebay purchase
thank you God Bless
Hi chuck and nancy , thank you for the great work you have done for the kingdom of have not abandoned america..they have come to very beautiful country new zealand that I call home, Its the best place in the world to live in. I had a dream in 2009 april that chuck missler and chuck swindoll wearing white robes teaching the people in the new heaven and new earth ..they were both standing up on a dome white was huge..and all were listening to them,
Please don’t shoot the messenger! Listen, read, check, and do all your checking if at any time you feel Chuck’s message is not correct. (I doubt you will find an error). I have listened over the years to this great man and woman of God and find no fault in either. Yes, they are subject to errors – because they are human. However, no deliberate error or incorrect message would be intentional. Both Nancy and Chuck Missler love the Lord. Now Nancy has gone ahead of Chuck to be in God’s presence and Chuck is left to carry on. To carry on with educating slackers who do not check what Chuck says, even though he tells you to look at the scripture – and Nancy often implored people to look up the scripture that she was quoting. What makes us criticise such great people like Chuck and Nancy? Are we better? Can we stand before the Lord and say that we taught from our hearts the love of God to thousands of people? Spared our time only for the Lord. Taught his word patiently. Made notes for people to look up. Arranged nightly meetings and day meetings and around the world tours? Spent many hours in prayer for people who do not believe or doubters? No! Indeed we hang our head in shame to even make comment about Chuck and Nancy leaving USA. I say, Good on you Nancy and Chuck – go where you feel the Lord is leading you. Many will be blessed. I have been blessed from a great distance (Australia) and wherever Chuck lives, I am certain God has a plan for him there. I, as a Christian, would gladly hold your hand over the river of tears that you have wept for your son and now your wife. Our church will pray for you in support.
I am stunned by some of the vitriolic comments made here. Do you whom criticize so bitterly Chuck and his dear wife Nancy, have any clue as to the calibre of these two mighty warriors for Almighty G-d? We have known Chuck and Nan for many years and followed their ministry from which we have received so much, travelled to Israel with them, have hosted Chuck in our home numerous times, have stayed with them in New Zealand. Chuck is without doubt the most gifted intellect I have ever known, and to sit and share with Nan was something so special, the presence of the Holy Spirit was always there, never experienced that in another human being. Nan carried a huge burden in her love for others and her prayer life, during some very difficult times, and despite their busy schedule, Nan would still take the time to chat on the ‘phone and then follow up with a hand written letter. I treasure those letters, even more so now that she has been taken home. Our lives have been so enriched by the ministry of Chuck and Nan, we have most of the materials, CD’s and DVD’s from over the years and how they have blessed us and taught us. I do pity those who profess to Love The Lord and yet try to condemn these Holy Warriors. I would not wish to share their position coming judgement day.
i have heard many well documented biblical programmes and watched god tv as to influence of islamic faith peoples behaviour pattern depending on the pattern of demographic percentage in different countries throughout the world. i would like the power point presentation to be shared through e-mail
To those who spew hatred May God open your eyes and forgive you for the evil things you say.
To New Zealand , y oh y do u get the talent- the beauty -the Misslers? ( in joke, I’m from Australia next door)!?
My husband and I have listened to Chuck for years and are finding many other excellent teachers on UTube now. I am SO grateful for the wisdom God gave Chuck and the gentle Spiritfilled love He gave Nancy. Chuck is looking so old and frail and had just lost his second son whilst recovering from pneumonia. We learnt so much from his teachings. He’s no false prophet he’s a brilliant Spiritfilled teacher. And I give God thanks He raised up this man to help us understand deep things of Gods word and to think outside the traditional box. As Chuck. ages God is raising up others such as Steve Ciccolianti who’s brilliant on end times, Torban Skorgaard who heals and makes disciples. He’s Danish and his Ministry is Last Reformation Ministries. So named because he was a Lutheran. He baptises in water and the Holy Spirit the same day the people are saved!! God is doing so much that it blows my mind. Jesus is appearing and saving Muslims glory to God.
Please check them all out and then check them against the Bible as Chuck says. May God bless you dear Chuck. Kiwis are lovely people and I pray you are well cared for in your time there. May God go before you ,keep the evil one from you and strengthen your body after your losses and sickness.
Hi, I have just discovered CM. What a wonderful blessing. He has confirmed many things for me. I live in AUSTRALIA and now I have an opportunity to here him live. He does look weary but is stil marching on. Bless him . I am grateful for all his teaching on u tube. Could hardly put my ipad away.
As a NZ’er I think it’s good news Chuck & Nancy have moved to New Zealand. Why they decided to move is surely between them and God. As for fleeing America? A bit melodramatic isn’t it. Fact is Chuck’s teaching has been on Christian radio in New Zealand for twenty years. They visited many times holding conferences, so they are well known in the Christian community. But NZ will be blessed by their presence, we lack good Bible teachers, America has an abundance. NZ is also probably a more secular country than much of America.
You people are just what the devil loves.. con men evangelists selling you c— to take you away from the real bible and GOD. These conmen mix in aliens, hybrids third dimensions, mix in a bit of Quantum physics since you have heard that is a real science and you swallow it with c— from his friends like Tom Horn and Jimmy Baker (how many times must he be sent to prison before you realize he’s a fraud)… His school is a fraud referring people to another fraud “university” ripping off the gullible, drinking funny tasting cool aid. Would you believe that these UFOs are following Hailys comet and will save you???? NO, that’s only because it’s been used before and they all committed suicide, but he’s got you believing in the aliens and everything else………..That s— is not in the bible….wake up
You are going to hell, that I swear to GOD unless you realise the devil loves these guys…
Oh, by the way, I will send you a Phd for only $5000 and for an additional $3000 a guaranteed First Class Ticket to heaven…
WOW…. and please don’t tell me that you have been listening to him for 30 years…. as admitting you have been stupid your whole life is not something to brag about… POOR souls
Both of you have been in my prayers for several years now, but tonight I ached to learn of the hardship of various trials you’ve had; Lit. Divers temptation. God answers the trying of our faith. To whom else could we turn? May both of you go forth in patience that you may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing–And I might add, offer care for your temple, in your state of new zeal!
Dear Brother,
The Lord be with you and make God’s face to shine upon you and give you peace.
I am Waseem Yousaf from Pakistan. I have studied your web site, and have found it to be one of many wonderful sites offered on the internet which gets to the Truth of the Word of God. As is the case with others whom I have contacted, you have created material which is full of knowledge concerning development of religious faith. Living in Pakistan, we Christians face many obstacles in getting access to God’s Word. Most people in Pakistan speak Urdu, and are not capable of understanding the English language. Because of limited access in our native tongue, my people have a true hunger for fresh Christian Perspectives.
Proficient in both English and my native languages, I would like to offer my services as translator to you. Presenting your material in both Urdu and Punjabi would be a true blessing to the Pakistani and Indian people. For a nominal fee, I will enable you to bring the message of Salvation to a most deserving people.
Blessing you in advance for your consideration,
Email: [email protected]
In Him,
Waseem Yousaf
Please look into proofs that the earth is flat. 200 proofs are listed online. nasa never went to moon. furthermore there is long youtube on know your enemy by mark fairly and it is beyond excellant research and info. it is long but worth taking notes on. how is your book on the cosmos. EARTH IS FLAT and we never went to the moon. debbie rich
Wow! I just read most of the posts and replys after reading the 2012 article of the Misslers moving to New Zealand! I learned so much! It was like reading a sermon in most cases! I actually learned ALOT just from reading everyone’s ramblings and their own experiences! Such heartfelt responses! Glory be to the Highest and God Bless and have Mercy on us all…
There is and has been for well over 20 years a significant amount of Chuck Missler’s audio tapes and CD’s available FREE , Yes I said FREE from Firefighters for Christ ministry. There website is . You can listen to or download many of Missler’s teachings there . There also give away FREE hundreds of CD’s . Check out the website . Another great website if your looking for TRUTH is http://www.changed . Also see
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