Tim Tebow e-book lists for $3.16


Author releases eBook centered on quarterback’s influence

By Tonya Whitaker 

Can he play? Should he pray? What’s his future?

Tim Tebow

If you think Tebow mania is history because the Broncos will not play in Super Bowl XLVI in Indianapolis, guess again.

NFL Network plastered Tebow’s image in its promotion of the station’s upcoming NFL Draft coverage. Then, on Jan. 27, NBC announced programming that coincides with the 18-plus hours of Super Bowl coverage planned to run on all of its networks. The Broncos quarterback also appeared on “Late Night With Jimmy Fallon” on Feb. 1.

For Tebow enthusiasts and NFL faithful, a new eBook on Tim Tebow picks up where the hype leaves off.

He’s not going away, and the draft — where the Broncos will either build a team around Tebow or trade him — is right around the corner.

“Tebow: Throwing Stones” takes this moment to take a fresh look at the patron saint of the NFL.

The eBook’s author, Paul Hughes, reviews Tebow’s playing and praying, and tries his hand at prognosticating the young quarterback’s future.

Available exclusively as a Kindle eBook, “Tebow: Throwing Stones” is available for sale now. Readers with a Kindle device and Amazon Prime Membership can borrow the book for free.

Hugest said the book is short — less than 50 pages — and can easily be read in the run-up to the big game on Feb. 5.

“It’s ‘conversational and accessible,’ as the kids say, with a tone that balances edge with respect,” Hughes said.

And cleverly, the cost of the book is $3.16. The book is available for purchase at www.amazon.com/dp/B0070HDZOE


Tonya Whitaker is Managing Editor of The Pew (http://pewtalk2009.blogspot.com/), and has also freelanced for Gospel Truth Magazine and Houston Community Newspapers. She resides in Irving, Texas, and attends Skillman Church of Christ in Dallas.