By Douglas Todd, The Vancouver Sun

Canadians aren’t, statistically, supposed to be that big into Christianity. Not like all those born-again Americans. Nor are they expected to be bold and outgoing about their Christianity. But Ontario-raised teenage hearthrob Justin Bieber is becoming less and less shy about being an active Christian. He’s had a tattoo of Jesus’ face added to his leg. He has another tattoo under his armpit, of the Hebrew name for Jesus.
Not long ago the teenager with six million Twitter fans told interviewers he helps keep his ego in check through his faith in God and Jesus:
“I’m a Christian, I believe in God, I believe that Jesus died on a cross for my sins,” Bieber said in an interview about his memoir. “I believe that I have a relationship and I’m able to talk to him and really, he’s the reason I’m here, so I definitely have to remember that. As soon as I start forgetting, I’ve got to click back and be like, you know, this is why I’m here.”
The teen idol says that he’s already seen the dark side of Hollywood, calling it “a scary place” where “there’s a lot of bad things, but there’s also a lot of good things.”
Despite what he considers a close relationship with Jesus, Bieber recently told a magazine that he doesn’t go to church much, and considers himself “spiritual but not religious.” Which is a popular thing to be these days.
I beleive Justin Beiber is a type of the proverbial tip of the iceberg. He is a beleiver who has not joined tight to any of the member churches of the body of Christ. This is likely the doing of the Lord. He has not totally bought into the teachings of any of the mainstream group of hopelessly fractured denominational peices of the body. He is soon going to heal all the fractures in his body, and when people like TIM TEBOW will light the spark of faith and the courage to come out into the public spotlight and let is show and shine. There may be a few more TEBOWS yet to come and the effect will be the vehicle GOD needs to then pour out his SPIRIT on ALL FLESH. The year of JESUS return is rapidly approaching and we must NOW begin to look for his hand in WORLD affairs and Spritual blessings being reported. Things can only get more intense and of course very exiting for us BIBLE students and beleivers. P.S. It would be most advisable for all truth loving folks to go youtubing for BENJAMIN FULFORD and his many interviews and video warnings of what the governments of the world are REALLY up to at this time in our history.
ALSO JOHN WOOLSON who captured dozens of secret space stations in 23,000 mile high orbits that the world knows nothing about. GOD bless us all as we witness the establishment of the KINGDOM of GOD so very soon.
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