Persistent oncologist discovered Pastor Chuck Smith’s lung cancer


Son-in-law Brian Brodersen provides further information about illness

Pastor Chuck Smith

By Dan Wooding

Brian Brodersen, the son-in-law of Pastor Chuck Smith, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, has revealed that it was the persistence of an oncologist that finally discovered Chuck Smith’s lung cancer.

“Pastor Chuck had been going through some routine blood work and they started to notice, in the blood work, that there were some abnormalities so they probed a little bit more and made suggestions and then they said, ‘Oh no, everything’s fine,'” Brodersen says.

“This has been over a couple of months, and then they kept going back again and did some more blood work and by this time the numbers were not looking good. However, the doctors had different opinions,” he noted.

“But then, an Oncologist stepped up and finally said, ‘These numbers are problematic. We need to probe further.’ So it was through this person’s insistence that he started to aggressively search out this cancer. The blood tests showed that there was cancer, but it had to be found, so that’s what they did and they found a tumor in the lower part of the right lung.”

The progress of the disease is unknown and will require further testing.  “They’re looking to compile everything that they can on it and then get together as doctors and consult with each other and then come up with a strategy to hopefully deal with it.”

“They are going to do a biopsy later this week,” he added.

Cheryl & Brian Brodersen

“My wife and I knew about the situation because she has really been involved in helping him get back and forth to the doctors, so we were already in that loop,” he continued. “When he finally got the diagnosis, Pastor Chuck shared it publicly on Sunday, January 1st, and he did it because he felt a couple of things: He wanted the people to hear it directly from him instead of hearing it as hearsay, and he also felt that the more people that knew, the more prayer support there would be.”

Many in the congregation were upset by the news. “Over the past few years Pastor Chuck had a stroke a couple of years ago and he’s also had some major surgeries,” said Brodersen. “People were obviously shaken and some were emotional, but in the main part, the people were composed and the way he presented was beautiful.

Pastor Chuck wove the news into his sermon about trusting God. “The news about his lung cancer was part of his New Year’s message when he talked about uncertainty, and said that ‘we don’t know what’s going to happen, but we know that we can trust the Lord.’ He added that this ‘is the area where I’m going to be trusting the Lord’ and it was a pretty powerful way to end each service.”

At the end of Chuck Smith’s third sermon and the cancer announcement which was being broadcast over KWVE 107.9 FM, Brian Brodersen asked other pastors to join him on the platform, then anointed Smith with oil, laid hands on him, and then prayed for him.

Pastor Chuck will not be preaching in the immediate future.  “I believe that on this coming Wednesday night he’s going to be doing his prophesy update which he normally does and then after that I think he’ll be out for a period.”

Bran and his wife will provide their love and support as the situation goes forward. “We’re family, so of course we will just be there to love him and that’s what we are doing,” he said. “We spend time with, him take him meals and eat dinner with him and also hang out and pray for him.”

“Obviously, we should ask the Lord to heal Chuck,” Brodersen said. “That’s always first on our priority list. But, at the same time, we know that God’s in charge and that He’s the all wise God and he knows what He’s doing.

“I think that Chuck would say, as he always does, ‘Thy will be done.”


  1. Words can hardly express our love and respect for our Pastor Chuck. We pray for his healing and another 20 plus years for his to grow in Christ, bless tens of thousands, and be loved and enjoyed by his family.
    May God give him the desire of his heart.
    Love, Denise (Macey’s grandmother)

  2. You do not have a diagnosis until AFTER THE CELL TYPE, GRADE and staging of the tumor, that is if it is a tumor, IS DETERMINED.

  3. We will be praying for pastor Churck and his family in the many churches he touched with his excellent teaching in Mexicali, Mexico… may the Lord sustain them through this and may His Name be glorified in this. In Jesus’ Name,

  4. May the hand of God touch Pastor Chuck.
    There is but one hand that can heal. That is the Lord Jesus Christ.
    His ways are not our ways
    We must trust and obey
    Only God sees what we cannot see and know what we cannot know
    Every inhale we take every exhale we take is Gods love for us

  5. It saddens me to hear that anyone has cancer, but know that after much research have found many cures for cancer. I learned of these methods when my dog was diagnosed with bone cancer when he was 9 and used some of these methods and my dog who was given less then a year to live is now 12 years old. Just looking up something has simple as baking soda and maple syrup and you would think this sounds far fetch, unless you knew why it works. The cancer tutor on line is very helpful. All these methods are inexpensive and not profitable like radiation and chemo are, these are big business methods. Just wanted to put this out there for I hate to see the ones I care for go through the pain of cancer when there is God given cures out there that are painless . God Bless Pastor Chuck!

    • Amen Darcy & Tracy. Dr. Max Gerson’s Clinic & Dr. Stanislaw Burzynsky’s Clinic have been erradicating cancer since their arrival to our shores some fifty years ago. All via ‘NON-radiation/chemo.’ Let’s ALL read up on them and get the word out.

      Our intercessions go out for Brother Chuck and his family. >

  6. I agree with you Darcy!!! I have read journals of people who have cured themselves alternatively of stage 4 prostate cancer, and you can read how they did it on natural news dot com website. They have lung cancer cures as well. I pray Chuck Smith will read up on it.

  7. Dear Pastor Chuck. We started with you in ’76 and have not ben able to leave your ministry though we had a brief absence. God bless you dear man We love you as do countless others, and pray for your healing and comfort.

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