By Bob Sanders

Bob Sanders

I am stepping into this faith prayer
I am entrusting these hoped for requests
into my Father’s tender loving care,
Jesus’ faithful hands and Holy Spirit’s rest
I am collaborating with my King
for my complete healing
I call upon You
You answer me
and show me great and mighty things
In You I live and move and have my being
I am casting upon You all my anxieties
I am petitioning You with faith and thanksgiving
through consistent scriptural meditating and praying
Your Holy Spirit is refreshing me
from glory to glory
Your Spirit of Liberty is transforming me
Great Physician perform any needed surgery
to remove every implanted fear-hook in me
raise me up as a child of the King
that runs, plays, and laughs with full liberty
who loves wholeheartedly
and walks in perfect peace
I am desiring to be…
like a well watered garden
watered by Unfailing Springs
rooted in peace that passes understanding
living life abundantly
being all I can be
Sun of Righteous with healing in Your wings
I am joyfully receiving
I am breathing in Your healing
it is rising up in me speedily
With eyes and heart fixed on things above
I am breathing in Your unfailing love
Your love is filling me
Your perfect love
is casting all fear out of me
and is rescuing me from all anxiety
my heart and mind are at peace
Your truth is setting me free
thank You Jesus my King
In Your presence
is fullness of joy
I am drinking in Your river of delight
I am basking in Your fountains of life
In Your Light I am seeing light
when I ask…
I now believe I have already received
faith caused hope to be conceived
substance and realization is on its way
growing and maturing as I pray
I can do all things
through Christ who strengthens me
You are author of my faith, and my King
it’s through You that I receive
every good thing
I am asking You for wisdom
You are illuminating me
Your Spirit of wisdom and revelation
is enlightening me
I am renewing and washing my mind
with Your powerful, living, and active Word
sharpening my inner eyes and ears
so Your still small voice can be clearly heard
You are doing for me more abundantly
than I can ask or think
I am stepping further into my faith prayer
I have entered Your repentance and rest
my salvation is blossoming there
I am trusting You in quietness and stillness
Your strength reveals tender loving care
Holy Spirit daily help me to immerse fully
by meditating and praying scripture verse
and practicing Your Presence continually
I am a lowly servant
and You are the King of kings
I am an afflicted man
but You are the Prince of peace
even amidst my fears and doubts
You refuse to cast me out
because You are my loving King
that has chosen to love me
and promises my healing
You are opening in my heart joyful springs of gratitude
and preparing within me a trusting attitude
that I may continually enter Your gates with thanksgiving
and your courts with praise
to magnify Your Glorious Name all of my days
I bless You Lord with all my soul
and all that’s within me
I bless Your Holy Name
Thank you for allowing me to grow
in abundant blessings that overflow
thanks for Your kindness to me
I love you my Majestic King
Your wisdom and revelation are enlightening me
in Your perfect timing
You are revealing rescuing thoughts I desperately need
Your Faith Shield and Spirit Sword is protecting me
Your Anointing within is teaching me all things
I am seeking, asking, and knocking
I am calling upon You and You are answering me
You are showing me great and mighty things
treasured keys, secrets and mysteries
I am tasting and seeing that You are good!
I am thanking You for foretastes of heavenly flavors
my wise and comforting Savior…
Your sweet presence I will always savor
thank you for Your abundant earthly and heavenly benefits
I love You my wonderful Father, Son and Holy Spirit
(Jer 33:3, Phil 4:6-9, Mal 4:2, Isa 58:8, Psa 36:7-10, Isa 30:15)
By Bob Sanders- ©-copyright–9/3/2011
Thank you for your much appreciated prayers for us!