Another Epistle to The Corinthians


By Nico Bougas

Is been some time since the Apostle Paul wrote his two letters to the Corinthians. In the coming summer vacations some 750 villages and towns in the area surrounding Corinth, Greece will again be receiving the letters from Paul, as well as the rest of the New Testament writers.

Temple of Apollo at Corinth

Around 300 volunteers from around the world will take part in a mass distribution of scriptures to 90,000 homes in the area. The copies of the New Testament will be in modern Greek published by the Bible Society.

Very few Greeks own a copy of the Bible as it is regarded as a study book for theologians and clergymen. And not intended to be read by the masses. Those that do possess a copy of the Bible treat it more as a good luck charm or an ornament.

During this project 90,000 households will be receiving a beautifully bound copy of the New Testament in a language they would expect to find in their daily newspaper. It is the sort of Greek the venerable apostle would have used if he had been sending out his epistles today.

Greek New Testaments
The campaign is being organized by Hellenic Ministries, a Greek-based evangelistic mission operating out of Athens, Greece. The mission was started by Costas and Alky Macris who had returned from their own work as pioneer missionaries in Irian Jaya for health reasons and immediately began a new ministry in their native Greece.

This project is the biggest evangelistic effort in the long history of Greece. When Paul wrote his two epistles to the Corinthians it was probably delivered to a small handful of believers, who were facing real problems. This time 90,000 homes will have access to the Word of God as found in the New Testament. Remembering that “. the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” (Hebrews 4:12, NLT)

Johnathan Macris, President of Hellenic Ministries, and his small staff are confident that the area will be greatly impacted for “the entrance of Your word brings light, it brings understanding to the simple.” (Ps 119.130). Their vision is to distribute a million copies of the New Testament throughout rural Greece. Over the past few years 224,000 New Testaments have already been distributed to homes across Greece.

The ages of the volunteers ranges from pre- adolescent teens to senior citizens. They come as individuals, church groups, and families – all with the sole aim of getting the writings of Paul and his fellow New Testament writers to the masses.

How the Apostle Paul would have loved to have had such an enthusiastic, energized group at his disposal. For further information and application forms to join this exciting project see: or contact the Project Coordinator, Janet Sewell. [email protected]


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