How will events in Egypt and the Middle East play into Biblical prophecy?


The rapidity of change sweeping the Middle East has left some commentators breathless, with many cheerleading the prospects for democratic reforms in Egypt and other Middle East countries. But hopes for benevolent democracies that conform to American ideals may prove wanting – with dire consequences for Israel.  

Protesters with anti-American and anti-Israel feelings

“Everyone was caught by surprise,” says Bob Morris, director of HaDavar Messianic Ministries. “Who would believe that two governments would fall because of one man’s actions?” he asks, referring to the Tunisian vegetable vendor who sparked popular uprisings in several countries after he lit himself on fire as a protest. 

As mighty doors swing on small hinges, an obscure Tunisian man brought the fall of powerful leaders. “God doesn’t need the armies of the world or the kings, he only needs one man to bring change,” Morris notes. 

To some observers, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt seem to be playing a constructive role in moves toward democracy. “They are using democracy as a doorway to power,” Morris believes. “If the Muslim Brotherhood is voted in, that’s the last election they will ever have,” he predicts. “They despise democracy — submission to Islam and to Allah is their ideal.” 

“All they have to do is get enough votes and they will do away with the constitution and democratic institutions and set up Sharia law. If they come to power, one of their goals is the destruction of Israel.” 

The next event Morris sees on the prophetic calendar is an attack on Israel led by a coalition of countries – chiefly Russia and Iran. “The events in the Middle East today could be setting the stage for that invasion,” Morris observes. He believes Egypt will be a minor player or uninvolved in the attack. He also believes the rapture could occur at any time. 

“We know from Ezekial 38 and 39 that when the Russian coalition invades Israel nobody will support Israel.” He foresees the U.S. will be unable or unwilling to support Israel when that happens, other than to lodge verbal complaints. 

“We’re on the threshold of this today,” Morris notes. “We have our armies spread out in significant conflicts all over the word, and we have our economic troubles.” Due to budget constraints, some in congress already favor a major pullback in foreign aid. 

Any move toward democracy may bring unwanted consequences. “The things that scripture talks about we are beginning to see bubble up to the surface,” Morris notes. “The storm is building.”