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The faith of Alexander Hamilton

By Mark Ellis – The smash hit musical Hamilton about America’s founding father features high-tempo rapping and racially diverse casting of the founders, with black...

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Evangelist has problem outgrowing tents

By Mark Ellis – For an evangelist holding outdoor crusades, this is the best kind of problem one can have, rapidly outgrowing your tent. “It's been...

Rejoice Greatly and Shout for Joy

By Carol Round - “The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will...

As a Muslim, he flogged himself to earn God’s favor

By Charles Gardner -- Imagine growing up with the ambition of sacrificing your life for Islam. But that was the only way to be sure...

Surprised by God’s voice, His ‘blackmail’ to stop smoking

By Aubrey Beauchamp -- It was a hectic day! My sister and I were moving into a furnished home together for a year. She...

Bonhoeffer movie is a love story

By Charles Gardner -- A new movie focusing on a Christian pastor who stood up to the Nazis over their persecution of the Jewish people...

Noted prayer intercessor led to Jesus by a Jew

By Mark Ellis -- In the delightful, inspirational, and challenging book, Rees Howells Intercessor, by Norman Grubb, Grubb tells the story of Howells’ brush...

She saved the man sent to assassinate her

By Mark Ellis – She grew up in communist Romania under the dictatorial rule of Nicolae Ceausescu, who led one of the most repressive regimes...


Two top movies honored at Academy Awards are ‘blasphemous, grossly immoral’

By Mark Ellis – The two films receiving the most awards on Hollywood’s biggest night have been labeled blasphemous and grossly immoral by the Christian...

Quaker Artist, James Turrell’s, Houston

By Brian Nixon -- California-born, Arizona-living, Quaker artist James Turrell (b. 1943) may reside seventeen driving hours away from Houston, Texas, but ‘Space City’—more than...

Featured Comments

Thank You, Lord, for these beautiful people who are caring for so many children who need Your love, sure security and guidance in their lives in this world! Kathy, 2/25

Our kind heavenly Father spared his wayward son. It’s easy for God to translate a human being to wherever he wants. Look at Philip in the desert with the eunuch! As soon as Philip had baptized him, he was translated – taken away, to do another job of evangelizing. I read of two other modern testimonies, of God instantly translating people to safety. Great testimony! Laura, 12/24

What a great testimony!! So glad for them!  I love that they said Jesus is God!  He is only the Son of God in his humanity.  But He is the Almighty  one and only true God in His Deity.He isn’t IN the Godhead, all the fulness of the Godhead dwells bodily in Him! Colossians 2:9 The Lord rewards the earnest seeker! These two were earnest. LW, 12/24

Thanks for sharing this,  it’s a beautiful testimony.  Charlie’s prayers for Heidi brought her into an encounter with Jesus!  He took away the lies of her father, in an instant.  Yes, he is full of life,joy and light! I had an encounter with Him in 1975, that caused me to go after Him and seek Him with all my heart.  I found Him, got saved, and had many wonderful times with Him since.  He’s been very merciful and long-suffering toward me, I love him deeply for it. Laura, 11/24

Wow! This is a life transforming story.  Beautiful!  People need to know demons are real and you don’t mess with them. I’m thankful Bethany had the courage to pray and know that God/the Holy Spirit is with her and more powerful than the demons. Bethany’s guardian Angel and all the prayers that were with her are bigger than the demons.   I continue to pray the people that were healed and they experienced a miracle will remember who the true God is and not go back to their evil ways. Sharon, 11/24

Best of God Reports stories


WHEN KINGDOM LIGHT SHINES is a compilation of sixty of the most heart-gripping stories that have been published on the “God Reports” and ASSIST News websites since 1999 by Christian journalist Mark Ellis. Each story is a unique testimony of divine intervention that has the power to awaken faith in the hearts of those who need encouragement, hope, and confidence in the promises of God.

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