Girl born without hands glad God made her that way


By Mark Ellis –

Cleidy, born without hands (photo credit: Compassion International)

Her own mother was so ashamed that Cleidy was born without hands she abandoned her when she was three-years-old. She never knew her father.

But a godly grandmother, Victalina, had compassion for Cleidy, took her in, and arranged for help for the child through the Christian ministry Compassion International (CI).

“I was sad about what my daughter thought of Cleidy and how she felt,” Victalina told CI. “I knew that because of her special needs, it would be challenging to care for her. But I trusted in God,” she said.

Cleidy with grandmother (Compassion International)

Jamin, a tutor at the center in Guatemala supported by CI taught Cleidy to write.

“I treat Cleidy just like the other girls at the Compassion center,” Jamin says. “I believe she has the same abilities and possibilities that they have. That’s why I taught her how to hold a pencil with her wrists to write. She learned very quickly!”

Cleidy writing with her wrists

Cleidy made such amazing progress they moved her from her special-needs school to the local public school.

“I knew it would be a big challenge to Cleidy because there were no resources to support her additional needs, and she would be treated like a child without limitations. Still, I believed it was a good idea because she is an exceptional girl.”

Recently, Cleidy wrote this in an essay:

 I am happy this way.

 I was born very healthy, weighing 8 pounds, at 7 p.m. I was born without my hands, but I can do everything. I feel great because I am a person, the same as others. God made me this way, and I learned how to use my forearms instead of hands.

 Here are four things I have learned from living without hands:

1. I know God is good to me because He made us all equal.

God helped me to develop my abilities and my studies. I am the number one student in my class, and I am always the flag bearer. My friends have told me that they would like to have my learning abilities.

2. I have learned that I must not pay attention to it if someone disrespects me.

I have good relationships with my friends. They respect me and treat me with love if someone does disrespect me.

3. During my life, I have learned that there are no limits.

I can do anything I want because God always supports me to move forward.

4. With my abilities, I shouldn’t give up, but strive day by day.

I want to show the world that if I can do it, then they can learn to be happy forever too.

Cleidy has a circle of friends at the school who attend her church and a few connected with the Compassion center.

“I love my friends!” Cleidy told CI. “They are very helpful to me if I need anything. If I need a pencil, someone will give it to me. Or if I need extra help at home, someone helps me.”

“I used to be sad about my past, but thanks to the love of my center friends, my grandmother and God, I am happy.”

With God’s help and loving people surrounding her, Cleidy has a bright future.

“I want to support children with needs like I have and encourage them not to feel alone,” Cleidy said. “Even if they are like me, without parents, God always will be there for them.”


If you want to know more about a personal relationship with God, go here

Click here to learn more about how you can sponsor a child with a special need. Compassion’s website is HERE.