Extraordinary revival in L.A. and Orange County high schools


revival LA high schools

By Michael Ashcraft and Mark Ellis

Overcome by the darkness, this young Grant High School student decided she would end her life at the end of the school day. But instead, she went to an on-campus Christian club and heard Brian Barcelona share with about 150 other students.

After a stirring message, “she came running up to the front. She was weeping. She asked Brian to pray for her. She was going to commit suicide that day, but instead she found God,” says Allan Giglio, a coordinator for One Voice, which is seeing extraordinary revival in Los Angeles and Orange County high schools.

About 2,500 students at 15 high schools hear the gospel each week through campus Christian clubs, which invite One Voice representatives to speak, Giglio says. Kids have been saved from drugs, violence, sexual sin, and hopelessness.

One Voice revival | Los Angeles high schoolsThe move of God began in Roosevelt High School two years ago. A watershed moment came when opposing gangs put down their weapons and met each other in the gym for prayer, along with 400 other students who had gathered to hear a heartfelt and compelling message.

Giglio says the Holy Spirit came into the room and the kids just broke down weeping.

Roosevelt teacher Samuel Alba acts as a teacher advisor for the Christian club. Both his father and grandfather ministered in Mexico and the U.S., where they saw extraordinary things happen. But he has seen nothing like the current outpouring of the Spirit.

“This is a whole new thing,” Alba says. “This is something extremely new to the students. Many days you see kids with tears asking Christ to come into their hearts.”

Hugo Aguilar started a Christian club at Kennedy High School in Granada Hills last year called “the Love Club.” When he heard about One Voice, he invited them to speak. From 30 students, the group skyrocketed to 60 at the next meeting and then to 140 at the third, he says.

“It was nuts. I’ve never seen anything like this before in my life,” Aguilar said. “It was just amazing to see so many people responding to Jesus.”

One Voice staff currently runs outreach on three campuses and has trained local churches to “adopt a school” for another 13 high schools, Giglio said. (Church members interested in reaching out to their neighborhood school can contact One Voice for free training.)

One Voice’s vision began with Brian Barcelona, who led Bible studies at Elk Grove High School in Northern California until 2012 when God led him to Southern California. It began at Roosevelt High in Los Angeles.

By all accounts, Barcelona is a dynamic speaker who speaks to real issues that resonate with young people. Initially free pizza is used to attract the curious, but then the Word and the Spirit begins to work in the students’ hearts.

On-campus Christian clubs, run by students, have a right to use facilities and invite outside speakers, Giglio said. Principals have been known to monitor these meetings but usually are happy to see students hearing positive messages about getting out of gangs, drugs and other life-ruining traps.

Adopt a School Church help bible clubsOne teen stumbled into the Wednesday noontime Love Club at Kennedy. In the words of Aguilar, he “got encountered” by Jesus. “I used to see him around campus all sad,” Aguilar recalls. “Now I see a joy in him. After he accepted Jesus, he walks around with joy.”

Aguilar himself accepted Jesus three years ago because his cousin persisted in inviting him to a Bible study.

“I didn’t want to go, but he kept bugging me and bugging me. I couldn’t shake him off,” Aguilar recounts. “Finally I went, and I ‘got encountered’ by the love of God. It was an experience I never felt before in my life. I raised my hand to receive Jesus, and I went down in front. I felt like crying, but I said, ‘I’m not gonna cry.’ Then the man prayed for me, and I broke down weeping anyway. My whole body was tingling. It was supernatural. I felt a peace I never felt before.”

Today, Aguilar leads youth leaders in lunch-time prayer on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. “It’s just awesome to see God bringing in people,” he said.


  1. This story just makes my whole being want to jump for joy. For all the darkness in the world, this happening shows the awesome power of our Almighty God and His son Jesus, our Redeemer.

    I praise God for you young men and women that are taking the gospel into places where our young people can hear the truth that sets them free. The angels rejoice in Heaven for every sinner that turns his heart to Christ. Keep up the good work. May God pour out His abundant blessings upon you.

    With a grateful heart.


    • Awesome report!! Does my heart SO good to hear that God is keeping his promise to ‘pour out His Spirit on all flesh in the last days!…’ In the past year, three mature, sold out Christians and I had a dream of a huge, golden, ocean wave rising up suddenly before us on a narrow beach. I had no fear, but was surprised by how quickly it appeared. I believe this is THE LAST wave before Jesus the Son of God returns for the faithful! The message was “Get ready!” Lord, we plead for more laborers like Brian and his team in the high school harvest fields up and down the California coast. Expand their territory to as many schools as possible. May it spread like wild fire of Your Spirit, Lord to all corners of the earth. Amen! <3


  3. I so needed to see this article. I am sponsor for the Christian club in the high school where I work in Forida. I have been feeling discouraged yet trusting God that he is about to break into these precious lives. Although the numbers have dwindled to half I will keep my eyes focused on the truth that God loves this generation and he will pour out his Spirit on them as we cry out to him in prayer. Do it in Florida Lord! We welcome your presence here.

    • Thank you Lord for Barbara’s faithfulness during the tough times! Even if just one student’s life is changed for you, Father, we thank and praise you for the work you are doing through Barbara. We plead your blood of protection and fruitfulness, Jesus, and ask you move on the hearts of the students she serves now, Lord. Let your mighty wave of the Holy Spirit pour out STRONG for your GLORY, Lord. Encourage Barbara and bring reinforcements in the flesh to help her. Release your warrior angels above that campus and all school and university campuses across America and here in Europe to change hearts and lives for YOU, Lord Jesus. Bless you, Barbara. I used to do work like that in my California school and remember the challenges of staying faithful even when the numbers were not high. He is preparing you for future ministry and/or allowing this school to choose to follow or not. Hang in there; God is with you even more in the dark! “†”

    • I pray that God will meet Barbara and every person in attendance and in the surrounding area and that the presence of God would be felt tangibly. Jesus, make Yourself real to them and open their hearts to feel Your overcoming love, their eyes to see Your glory, and their ears to hear the voice of God clearly. Fill Barbara, this school, region, and country with the Holy Spirit, dreams, visions, signs, wonders, and miracles! Father, please send laborers into these fields to bring forth the harvest as You promised in John 4. We call forth these salvations and ask for divine favor and well wishes to follow Barbara and this ministry. Lord, open the floodgates of heaven and bring an unprecedented revival and outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Give her the faith, boldness, and courage to do what You what have called her to do and remove any resistance or stumbling blocks from her path. Jesus, war on their behalf and have your way now in this situation!

  4. Start praying for the ACLU as they will be going apoplectic. Praise the Lord! He is hearing our cries for America’s children!

  5. I have tears running down my face. This article brings joy to my heart. We have such a faithful Heavenly Father who loves us so much. You will be in my prayers.
    Kind Regards, Carol

  6. That’s a wonderful move of God, to the Christian club – go on in keeping the work God assign for you. Many lives of the young people are waiting for and I pray that will extend your ministry worldwide and especially in our country. We need this kind of ministry and I hope we can do more especially for the young people in high school.

  7. To everyone who commented my name is Brian and what we have seen in these high schools is the fruit of your prayers and labor thank you all let’s pray for another Jesus movement again in the high schools of America

    • I hope that you all can stand against religious ritualism, legalism, and other evil movements that are permeating through your schools, such as evolution, Atheism/atheism, Islam, and the LGBT coalition, among other groups that all have evil and Lucifer serving agendas to promote in their lives, Brian.

    • This is exciting ~ Hope the revival breaks out in San Diego as well! The Christian teens seem kind of dull & what a kick start it would be for them to see God moving in such a way.

    • TY for this report of what our Lord Jesus is doing through your ministry. We are praying for revival all through our area of encinitas, Ca. This is the day of salvation! Havent seen a outpouring of Gods Spirit here since the 70’s. Come Lord Jesus!
      In His love, Robbe

  8. This is just incredible!!
    We are going to become a generation of students who were not forced to pray 1960s Engle vs. Vitale) but a generation longs to pray at school 🙂 God is moving across campuses and I’m so excited to see what He has in plan for my school. Brian Barcelona is a great speaker, it was so nice to meet him at Movement 133 last month!

  9. Brothers and Sister in the Lord need to keep these young people covered with your prayers because the enemy is not going to like that and he’ll try and find away to stop this, but this is the generation that is needed to usher in the return of the Lord.

  10. This is super news. It’s spreading across the world. My husband and I are having a great movement of the Holy Spirit in our Wednesday night youth group “The Next Generation” teens receiving the Love of Jesus, crying, laughing, and hearing the voice God. It so AWESOME and WONDERFUL. God needs the teens. He is calling them because they are worthy and valuable to the Kingdom of God. May the Love of Jesus continue to ROCK your life in a mighty way.

  11. I’m so happy to hear this good news…You know our GOD says HE shines the brightest in the darkest places…although California is bright and sunny in the atmosphere it is heavy with darkness from the enemy…Way to go young people…YOU are the answer, I’m so proud and happy for you letting GOD have HIS way in your precious lives. You, each one of you are precious to HIM, precious to our great nation, the USA. I’m praying for One Voice and all you do to bring the HOLY SPIRIT to our young people…our next generation leaders. Praise GOD!!!

  12. My husband and I work in education and with many schools across the world and this is exactly what we need. We are absolutely STOKED about this and believing God for this revival to sweep a much needed revival where we are in England and Europe and for Mexico and Colombia! Lord, thank you!! STIR IT UP IN US!!

  13. Your people willingly offer themselves in holy splendors from the womb of the dawn; the dew of your youth is Yours! His work is full of majesty and splendor and His righteousness continues forever! ADONAI is merciful and compassionate. He gives food to those who fear him. He remembers his covenant forever! He shows his people how powerfully he works by giving them the nations as there heritage. The works of his hands are truth and justice; all his precepts can be trusted!!! THE EARTH BELONGS TO GOD!!! Ever thing in all the world is his!! We serve a Mighty GOD, Who is Mighty to SAVE HIS YOUTH!!!

  14. So grateful for this move of GOD. It has been a long time! God is wanting to show HImself strong, if His people will repent, and PRAY and seek His face! God have mercy

  15. O Father, we exalt your Holy Name for what You are doing in the lives of our precious Youths. You remain so Faithful even at our gross unfaithfulness. I pray that You will keep them, protect them, anoint them and make them fruitful for You that their lives will glorify You All the days of their lives in Jesus’ Name. Amen. For the Teachers thanks for being obedient to Our LORD’ s command to Go. Remain in His Love.

  16. FABULOUS report from the One Voice group and California teens !! Praise God! and may the Holy Spirit flash as lightning back and forth through California, the USA and the world!! — On an intercessory prayer chain I just heard of a prophecy concerning the country of Chad, as it is ‘the heart (location) of Africa’ — hungry hearts surround us – may God be pleased to encamp in the hungry hearts around the world!! Praise God Almighty our Redeemer !!

  17. Praise the lord…. This story has made my day to know that so many young people have encountered with Jesus THANK YOU LORD

  18. The Lord is faithful to all generations! He is showing Himself strong – the darkness of the world cannot blot out His marvelous light! God is calling this young generation to turn away from all that would hold them back from what He created them to be. Holy Spirit – give them more than you have ever given before! Sweep our high schools, colleges and entire country with your Presence, Calling and Power!

  19. 4 different translations from 4 different sources for the 4 love letters “YHVH”, ” Yod Hey Vav Hey”. Also “Immanuel”, “The Son of man” known as;
    “Our FATHER Who is in heaven, Holy is Your Name”!

    “BEHOLD THE NAIL, BEHOLD THE HAND!” Or, “Behold the Nailed Hand!”


    “Behold the Nail, Behold the Hand!”


    “The Hand Revealed, The Nail Revealed”


    “Behold man with arms and hands raised, Behold the Branch!” “Behold the Man, Behold the Nail!”


    Beatitudes behold, “The Son of man”!

    “Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and Behold My Hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing.”


    “So Jesus came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. Pilate said to them, “Behold the Man!”


    Peace be with us, our living treasures, and dearly missed departed.

  20. Thanks so much for posting this… the world needs to see more and more of what the Lord is doing in the world, instead of all the bad reports we see in mainstream media!!!

  21. So encouraging! Thanks for sharing! *so late on this but, FYI for the blog author, it may be helpful to note that Granada Hills (Kennedy High School) is in the San Fernando Valley (part of LA county not Orange County). Of course Roosevelt High is in Boyle Heights, a neighborhood of LA city in LA county as well.

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