God ‘bent the bullet,’ stopped it from harming Syrian Christian women


By Mark Ellis

Violence in the streets of Damascus
Violence in the streets of Damascus

Three Syrian Christian women were on their way to the hospital to pray for a sick friend. When their car was struck by gunfire intended for the driver, God miraculously intervened to spare their lives.

According to a report by Christian Aid Mission, Sabeen*, along with her sister and niece, were on their way to visit a friend languishing in the hospital, winding through the byzantine streets of Damascus in their small car. They knew the dangers for anyone to travel there – especially women – but they had faith in God’s protection.

They knew there is really no “safe” place in Syria under current conditions, but according to Psalm 91:1, the one who “dwells in the shelter of the Most High,” finds protection in the shadow of the Almighty.

Sabeen and her sister — both actively living out their faith — often travel through the streets of the ancient city looking for ministry opportunities and holding prayer meetings. Then they connect with churches outside Syria and direct them concerning the best way to meet any pressing needs.

As they passed through a somewhat dicey neighborhood, they suddenly heard the sound of gunfire. It was not an unfamiliar sound — the women have survived months living in such conditions.

But then came a jolting boom that rocked the car and the sound of an explosion!

Something struck the front of the vehicle, but they were still moving forward. To their surprise, the car was still drivable. They looked at each other incredulously, and no one seemed to be wounded or even grazed.

Stunned that the vehicle was still intact and they were unharmed, the three women continued on toward the hospital. Once safely there, they checked the outside of the car, but couldn’t find any damage

Shortly after that, a retired army major — also a Christian — offered to examine their vehicle. He found that a bullet had gone straight through the engine without impairing or damaging anything inside. The trajectory of the bullet was aimed directly at Sabeen.

“The bullet stopped at the back of the dashboard, directly across from where Sabeen had been sitting. The only reason it had stopped was because the tip of the bullet was bent backwards,” according to Christian Aid Mission.

They believe God “bent the bullet backwards” and stopped it in its tracks.

Syria’s violent civil war is in its third year, and there is no end in sight. An estimated 146,000 Syrians have been killed, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

“Of the 9 million Syrians displaced from their homes, some 2.5 million are now refugees living in squalid conditions in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Turkey. As the war rages on, the total number of Syrians who are internally displaced or refugees in another country now represents 40 percent of Syria’s pre-conflict population,” according to Christian Aid Mission.

“Through faithful Christian workers like Sabeen, indigenous ministries are demonstrating the love of Christ and responding to the needs of some of the most desperate Syrian families with food, housing, and medical assistance.”

*name changed for security reasons




  1. So wondrous! A prayer group had just been praying for Syrian women and children this month, and look what the Lord has done! More, Lord more!

    “The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety.” Deuteronomy 33:12

    “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me: you with stretch forth Your Hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and Your right hand will save me.”( Psalm 138:7)

    “May God be gracious to us and b less us and make His face to shine upon us; that Your way may be know upon earth, your saving power among all the nations. ” (Psalm 67:1,2)

    Shalom, shalom,

  2. Praise the LORD GOD who is Jesus Christ in the flesh!!!!
    Praise Him in the morning, Praise Him in the evening Praise Him all the day long!!!

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